Lawn Services

Brassfield Landscaping, LLC. offers an array of preventative measures & individualized services to ensure that your lawn is the greenest on the block. We can provide services year-round or as often as desired.

Lawn Services

To keep your lawn looking thick, green and healthy it is important to mow your grass on a regular basis.
We blow off your driveways, sidewalks, and patios. We also edge and weed eat! These services are provided by the exceptional staff that takes pride in your grass looking the best it possibly can. We always go above and beyond!
What do we mow?
  • Residential
  • Commericial
  • HOA's
  • Acreage
It doesn’t stop with just mowing your property, we make sure that the equipment that we use at your home is maintained on a regular basis. We believe it is important to keep our equipment running properly so that our staff can do an efficient job in a safe environment. We change our blades and wash our mower decks out daily to ensure that our mowers cut, not tear, your grass. Torn grass can lead to infectious diseases.
Mowing Tip
In addition to mowing, changing directions each time will help keep your lawn looking healthy, rut-free, and the best on the block.

Lawn Scalping

Scalping means to cut off the top layer of the dormant grass during mowing, resulting in improved growth and appeal. Scalping exposes the stem tissue of the blades of grass causing the grass to produce new shoots in order to collect sunlight and provide a longer, stronger growing season. This process is done in the spring.

Are you putting your property on the market, or simply fallen behind on the general upkeep of your yard? Brassfield Landscaping, LLC will come in at any point throughout the season and give your property the cleaning that it needs in order for you to get the most value from your property.

Contact Us

Complete the form for a free estimate. We look forward to discussing how Brassfield Landscaping, LLC can serve you!

If you have any questions or concerns don't be afraid to give us a call at (405)550-2070

Lawn Care
Spring / Fall clean up
Weed Control
Outdoor Lighting
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